Step 1
Look out for possible characteristics of radicalisation. See also chapter: Understanding radicalisation processes, detecting radicalisation:
- Document the incidents. This will make it easier to keep track of and will help you if you need further help later.
- Check if you need support yourself.
The earlier you recognise a radicalisation process of a person or group, the sooner you can take responsibility for monitoring and influencing. The more advanced the radicalisation, the more likely you should seek support and share this responsibility.
Step 2
Talk to a trustworthy person, preferably someone involved in game development. Collect the information that seems to be of relevance.
Step 3
If you conclude that indications of radicalisation are hardening or need further support, you can contact the Swiss Game Developers Association SGDA. With the person in charge at the association, you can check whether additional support is required from a contact or counselling centre or even the police according to the respective jurisdiction – see Contacts.
Specialist agencies may be able to help you accompany people who are vulnerable to radicalisation. They can provide other perspectives or advice on developing counterarguments.
The primary goal is to help the concerned person maintain a critical attitude and build a positive identity.
Step 4
Depending on the situation, the police may take preventive measures. The task of the police is to maintain public peace, order and security. To this end, the police also work preventively: in cooperation with the population, they take measures to detect and prevent possible criminal offences at an early stage. (Zurich Cantonal Police – Prevention Department – see Contacts)